Static-Free ClojureScript REPL
The general advice is to leave :static-fns
turned off for development with the ClojureScript REPL.

If you are curious and turn it on, most things will work anyway. This post gives a concrete example illustrating what can go wrong if you do turn it on.
Let's say you have a multi-arity function f
(defn f
(prn a))
([a b]
(prn a b)))
and you define another function g
that calls it:
(defn g
(f 1 2))
If you try (g)
at the REPL, it will print 1 2
Now, let's say you revise f
to be variadic:
(defn f
(prn a))
([a & [b]]
(prn a b)))
With this change, (g)
will still print 1 2
as expected.
But, let's try this with :static-fns
set to true
. Try it with your favorite ClojureScript REPL.
If you want to try this with Planck, you can simply re-launch it passing
as described in Planck Static Function Dispatch.
If you go through the same sequence, you will get an error indicating the following when you evaluate (g)
the second time:
cljs.user.f.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 is not a function.
This is the static dispatch to the 2-arity version of f
If you reverse the order of the definition of f
and g
, you will then get the opposite error:
cljs.user.f.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$variadic is not a function.
You can see these dispatch mechanisms statically embedded in the definition of g
if you look at its emitted JavaScript.
On the other hand, if you have :static-fns
disabled, then the code emitted for g
will involve,(1),(2))
which works under the re-definition of f
While this dispatch mechanism is slower, it affords you the dynamic-dispatch Lispy flexibility you take for granted while redefining things at the REPL.