ClojureScript REPL Auto-Require
Let's say you have some namespaces that you would like to have automatically required and available when you launch your ClojureScript REPL. Perhaps these are utility namespaces that you tend to use only at the REPL, or maybe you'd just like to automatically require your app's main namespace.
Support for this exists in ClojureScript REPLs via an option named :repl-requires

For our example, let's use Brandon Bloom's Fipp library for pretty-printing at the REPL, and let's also throw in a hypothetical math utility library (which we will use to compute squares of numbers at the REPL).
For each of the above, we simply need to ensure that the dependencies are on the classpath when we start up the REPL. We could use lein
to manage the classpath, but to keep things even simpler, let's say we are using the browser REPL as detailed in the ClojureScript Quick Start. Assume we've manually copied fipp-0.6.3.jar
into our our hello_world
directory along with core.rrb-vector-0.0.11.jar
, a transitive dep of Fipp. Also assume we have a src2/math_utis/core.cljs
file with
(ns math-utils.core)
(defn square [x]
(* x x))
Now, to cause the REPL to automatically require
Fipp and our math util library upon startup we modify the repl.clj
REPL start script so that it has a :repl-requires
REPL option that sets up the require specs we want:
:watch "src"
:output-dir "out"
'[[fipp.edn :refer [pprint]]
[math-utils.core :as math-utils]])
We start up the REPL using a slight modification to the command provided in Quick Start, where we add Fipp, rrb-vector, and our src2
java -cp cljs.jar:fipp-0.6.3.jar:core.rrb-vector-0.0.11.jar:src:src2 clojure.main repl.clj
Now when you do this, you would normally see Waiting for browser to connect ...
, but if you watch carefully, right after this you will see a couple of warnings about cljs.core/char?
being replaced by fipp.visit/char?
. These are just informational warnings from the compiler, but they are our first bit of evidence that Fipp is being automatically loaded and compiled.
Now if we go to http://localhost:9000
in a browser on our box and start the REPL, without doing anything more, we see our math-utils
lib is available:
cljs.user=> (math-utils/square 3)
and we see that Fipp is also available:
cljs.user=> (pprint (range 5)
{:width 10})
But, doc
is not available:
cljs.user=> (doc map)
WARNING: Use of undeclared Var cljs.user/doc at line 1 <cljs repl>
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
This is because, by specifying :repl-requires
, we no longer get the default set of requires that are set up by the base REPL functionality. As of ClojureScript 1.7.170, these defaults are:
'[[cljs.repl :refer-macros
[source doc find-doc
apropos dir pst]]
[cljs.pprint :refer [pprint]
:refer-macros [pp]]]
So, if you want any of that stuff, like the missing doc
macro, be sure to simply include it in your :repl-requires
value and you'll be good to go!